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Oh So Medicinal is a holistic lifestyle brand featuring custom herbal teas and tinctures.

Why incorporate herbs?

Why incorporate herbs?

Herbs are plants used for food, medicine, flavoring, or fragrances. Herbs have a variety of uses including culinary, medicinal and spiritual. Herbs provide multiple medicinal properties. As far back as 5000 BCE Sumerians used herbs in medicine, Kemites were known to use fennel, thyme and coriander around 1555 BCE. In India, the Ayurveda medicinal system is based on herbs. Using herbs for healing is quite ancient, our ancestors relied on the plants in their environment to heal themselves. They were using herbal remedies and plant medicine way before they were copied, manufactured and prescribed as pharmaceutical drugs.  To this day some drugs are still extracted as fractionate/isolate compounds from raw herbs and then purified to meet pharmaceutical standards. Pharmaceutical drugs don't cure the root issues of disease, illness and ailments.

Its just a temporary fix for the present symptoms, to make folks feel better for the moment. There is no money to be made in the "cure" so doctors and hospitals alike push the drugs on unknowing or fearful clients. Doctors are designed to prescribe drugs, most don't study nutrition and herbs in school, therefore, unable to prescribe clients with lifestyle changes, proper nutrition and herbal supplements needed to make improvements in health. Everything from the common cold to life threatening conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease have been purported to be successfully treated without the use of modern day medicine. Notice that the medical and pharmaceutical industry uses drugs verses herbs which are plants, not drugs, to help "heal" people. Herbal medicine uses the roots, leaves, barks, berries, seeds or flowers of a plant for medicinal purposes.

Today herbalism is being noticed for focusing on holistic wellness and prevention rather than treating a disease, ailment once it arises. One main reason to incorporate herbs into your diet and nutrition is that is causes no harmful side effects. Some plants contain phytochemicals that have effects on the body, there may be some effects if the recommended dosage is exceeded or taken together with some pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmaceutical drugs often cause severe adverse reactions and side effects. Incorporating herbs is also cost effective, you won't need expensive health coverage to change your diet and buy fresh fruits and vegetables or grow your own food/herbs. Herbal medicine utilizes the body's natural healing process for treating conditions, is known to increase the body's ability to ward off diseases, increased immunity and promotes a healthier state of being. I suggest taking charge of your health and wellness now, reclaim YOUR health, don't leave it up to someone else to care for your health. Always get a second opinion and do your own research before taking any medications or drugs.

It's important to have a holistic approach to your well being, this might include a healthy balanced diet, exercise, appropriate rest, herbs, meditation, yoga, frequent detoxes, relaxation, self care. Herbs only work if you do, they don't work alone and won't do any good in a toxic environment, only in combination with a proper wellness routine will you receive the full healing benefits. I encourage using herbs and spices from a trusting, reputable source in your meal preparations, its better for you to know and control what ingredients are going into your food and drinks. Also herbs can be used in aromatherapy, cleansing rituals, smoking rituals, cosmetics. In today's world it may seem that money can buy just about anything, EXCEPT good health! Take care of yours! Health is Wealth! Food is thy medicine and medicine is thy food. How can you incorporate herbs into your everyday life? Start your herb journey today!

Examples of culinary herbs: Parsley, Dill, Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Turmeric.

Examples of medicinal herbs: Kava Kava, St. John's Wort, Hawthorne berry, Valerian root.

Examples of spiritual herbs: White ceremonial sage, frankincense and myrrh, cedar.

What is a Tincture?

What is a Tincture?

Simple herbal tea brewing methods

Simple herbal tea brewing methods